With Ben Harper and Leonard Hubbard, Premier Studios, NYC.

With Ben Harper and Leonard Hubbard, Premier Studios, NYC.

With Ben Harper and Leonard Hubbard, Premier Studios, NYC.

With Ben Harper and Leonard Hubbard, Premier Studios, NYC.

With Bakithi Kumalo at Redstar Recording, Silver Lake, CA.

With Bakithi Kumalo at Redstar Recording, Silver Lake, CA.

At Redstar Recording with Jason Fabus, Marilyn McCoo, Billy Davis, James Gadson, Natalie Mendoza, and Nick Mendoza.

At Redstar Recording with Jason Fabus, Marilyn McCoo, Billy Davis, James Gadson, Natalie Mendoza, and Nick Mendoza.

At Redstar with Jeremy Dylan, Benmont Tench, Imogen Clark, Mike Bloom, and Will Golden.

At Redstar with Jeremy Dylan, Benmont Tench, Imogen Clark, Mike Bloom, and Will Golden.

At Redstar with Jeremy Dylan, Imogen Clark, Pete Thomas, Mike Bloom, and Will Golden.

At Redstar with Jeremy Dylan, Imogen Clark, Pete Thomas, Mike Bloom, and Will Golden.

With Ben Harper and Sharon Little, Premier Studios, NYC.

With Ben Harper and Sharon Little, Premier Studios, NYC.

With Printz Board, The Village Recorder, Los Angeles.

With Printz Board, The Village Recorder, Los Angeles.

Tal Wilkenfeld and Rocco Deluca at Redstar Recording.

Tal Wilkenfeld and Rocco Deluca at Redstar Recording.

With Andy Kravitz at Studio 4 West, Venice, CA.

With Andy Kravitz at Studio 4 West, Venice, CA.